The Campaign Spot

Democrats Against Pelosi: Catch the Fever!

Huffington Post:

Bobby Bright, a Democrat from Alabama, became the first House Democrat to definitively say that he will not vote to make Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the 112th House of Representatives, telling the local WSFA that he would vote for “a centrist.”

“I am not going to vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. Neither the leader of the minority party, John Boehner, nor the present Speaker, will get my vote. I will vote for someone, a centrist, who is much more like me,” said Bright in an interview with a local station.

Incumbent, yes. But Mike Oliverio, the guy who beat Allan Mollohan in the Democratic primary, made noises about not voting for Pelosi.

And before, Bright dodged the question, speculating she might die before he has to decide. I guess he thinks she looks healthier now.

There are some interesting rumors that Walt Minnick, Idaho Democrat, was telling other lawmakers he couldn’t vote for Pelosi again, but those reports were never confirmed.

And Rob Miller, who effectively stole $2.5 million from Democrats by fooling them into thinking he could overtake the Unstoppable Juggernaut That Is Joe Wilson, is now telling folks he won’t for Pelosi.

Before he flipped parties, Parker Griffith of Alabama said he wouldn’t vote for Pelosi again. He went on to lose the GOP primary.

Abandoning Pelosi: It’s the new black!

UPDATE: Looks like Earl Pomeroy came awfully close today, too: “I would not give speaker Pelosi passing grades for the way she handled this Congress.”

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