The Campaign Spot

Earl Pomeroy Is in Trouble, and President Obama Can’t Save Him

In North Dakota, Republican challenger Rick Berg continues to lead Democrat incumbent Rep. Earl Pomeroy:

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in North Dakota shows Berg with 51% support to Pomeroy’s 44%. Just one percent (1%) prefer some other candidate in the race, while five percent (5%) are undecided.

These findings are little changed from a month ago.

Obviously, things can change between now and November, but this is not a state where the economy can turn around quickly (unemployment is already among the lowest in the nation), and it’s not a state where Obama can fly in and rally the base (his approval is at 41 percent here), and none of his policies are that popular here:

Opposition to the health care law in North Dakota remains higher than it is nationally. Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters in the state favor repeal of the measure, while 31% are opposed. This includes 49% who Strongly Favor repeal and 21% who Strongly Oppose it.

Sixty-five percent (65%) of North Dakota voters oppose a U.S. Justice Department challenge of Arizona’s new immigration law. Only 17% think the challenge is a good idea. Seventy-one percent (71%) say U.S. troops should be sent to the Mexican border to help prevent illegal immigration.

Just 30% of voters in the state believe it is possible for the United States to win the war in Afghanistan; 38% do not.

When you’ve trailed five straight months . . . well, the voters are trying to tell you something.

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