The Campaign Spot

The Electorate Christie, and Perhaps an Interim Senator, Will Face

Something to keep in mind as New Jersey governor Chris Christie contemplates the decision of appointing an interim senator:

The state has 5,463,097 registered voters, as of May 7.

That total breaks down into:

2,608,636 unaffiliated voters (47 percent)

1,779,250 Democrats (32.5 percent)

1,070,906 Republicans (19.6 percent)

Christie’s done quite well in this heavily Democratic electorate — “63 percent of those surveyed in a recent Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press poll saying they approve of the job Christie is doing. That rating ticks slightly higher — 64 percent — among the coveted independents” — and so it’s unlikely he’ll pick anyone who would be seen as antagonistic to the state’s Democrats.

If Robert Costa is hearing from his sources that Christie will appoint a Republican, then it’s probably a safe bet. But Christie’s probably looking for the Republican most acceptable to the state’s Democratic voters.

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