The Campaign Spot

Environmental Group Endorses Republican. No, Really.

The New Jersey Environmental Federation has been around for almost 30 years, and has never endorsed a Republican for statewide office.

Until today. Here’s the statement from New Jersey Republican State Committee Chairman Jay Webber:

The contrasts between Chris Christie and Governor Corzine in this race remain stark. Governor Corzine’s broken promises and failed record on the environment were clear in his failure to secure key endorsements from environmental groups last month, and are unmistakably punctuated with the endorsement of Chris Christie by the New Jersey Environmental Federation today. Chris is the only candidate in this race talking about cutting taxes, rather than raising them, cutting wasteful spending and instituting policies to get New Jersey’s economy going again. With hundreds of thousands of jobs lost — reflected in the worst state unemployment in 33 years — New Jerseyans are looking for new hope and a new direction for our state. They have both of those in Chris Christie.

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