The Campaign Spot

Exercise Your Right to Vote, Just Don’t Get in Line Ahead of Me

Contrary to my earlier post, it appears there are some parts of the country where turnout is light and lines are short.

Boston, for one:

I just voted for McCain around 8:45 in my district in Boston. No wait at all. In 2004 I went around the same time and there was a bit of a wait.
I don’t know what to make of it. Maybe some Obama people are just taking it for granted he’ll win.
Reason for hope: I saw some signs reading “Another Democrat for McCain.” I guess they’re the disgruntled Hillary voters.

New Hampshire:

No waiting at 9:15 in New Boston, NH (near Manchester). 5 min.  We are organized.


Just voted in Greenwich Village in Manhattan.  There were about 25 people in line (it was longer in 2004 at a comparable time).

But lest you get the idea that it’s all blue regions of the country, note this report from Cypress, Texas.

I live in Cypress Texas – which is red state central.  It’s a suburb of Houston.  Very stereotypical suburban and very Republican.
I recognize that TX is irrelevant in this election, from a presidential perspective….but, my local polling place was the emptiest that it have ever been.
Less crowded by far than in 2000 or 2004.
And, this is a polling place in a community that has tripled in size during that time frame.
Of note, there was a woman in her late 30’s in line with her 6 year old son, while I was in line.
He shouted out, “when can we vote for Obama?”
Just voted in Greenwich Village in Manhattan.  There were about 25 people in line (it was longer in 2004 at a comparable time).

One would expect with all the interest in early voting, some places would have fewer people showing up on Election Day…. unless those people are voting twice.

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