The Campaign Spot

Fred Thompson on Iraq, that L.A. Times Story, and Running

Thompson, talking to Hannity, on Iraq:

“Now we’re in a position where the worst thing in the world we could do is appear to be weak. Strength does you no good if you appear to be weak! (applause) If our allies can’t count on us in the area, or allies around the world don’t think that they can count on us, it’s gonna make for a more dangerous United States and a more dangerous world in the long run. The media gives and takes away… (applause) The media right now is portraying every bad thing they possibly can, you know. Every day, every night, around the clock, depresses people and so forth, but if we leave out of there, and the wholesale slaughter takes place that everybody says that will happen, we’ll get the same pictures of the same innocent people dying day after day after day and then people will be asking, ‘where is the United States now?’”
Hannity: Yeah, good point.

Thompson, talking to Hannity, on that L.A. Times story about lobbying for an abortion group:

Hannity: The L.A. Times does this piece saying you lobbied for abortion rights. You say that’s absolutely not true.
Thompson: No. In the first place, you have to separate a lawyer advocating a position from the position itself. And they’ll probably come at me, in thirty-five years of law practice, with some people – I represented criminal defendants, I was a prosecutor, I had a general law practice. So that in and of itself doesn’t mean anything anyway. I have — they said I called John Sununu and lobbied him on a deal. I called Sununu and said , ‘Do you remember this?’ He said ‘no!’ So that was the end of that. I’m not gonna get down in the weeds with every thing that they dredge up over the next six months… but in terms of already being a target, I’ll just say, they know who to be afraid of.

Thompson says yes, he has made his decision… “But I’m not gonna tell you right now.”
Let me go out on a limb and predict he’s gonna run.

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