The Campaign Spot

Gallup: Huckmentum Leveling Off

From Gallup’s Frank Newport:

We have a hint of an answer in our latest USA Today/Gallup poll.  The Huckabee boomlet, so to speak, has to some degree apparently leveled off.  Huckabee’s image has actually become a little more negative over the last two weeks.  His favorable number gained only 1 point from early December to this past weekend.  His unfavorable number went up by 6 points. And his share of the GOP vote stayed exactly the same, at 16%. 

Newport adds, “our data suggest at least the possibility that at the national level Huckabee has peaked.”
Still, leveling off is better than dropping, and its hard to have a better month than the past four weeks or so that Huckabee has had.

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