The Campaign Spot

He’s Seen the Doctor Light: Kratovil Turns Down Pelosi’s Suicide Squad

One more potential member of the Pelosi Suicide Squad sounds like he’s not that interested. Rep. Frank Kratovil (D., Md.) spoke to Greta Van Susteren last night:

VAN SUSTEREN: Congressman, you are thought of — and you may correct me if I’m wrong — as a fiscal conservative, and you are a Democrat, of course, and you voted no last November to the health care bill in the House.


VAN SUSTEREN: And your bill — your vote now is going to be what?

KRATOVIL: Well, just as when I was a prosecutor, I like to look at the facts and the merits of the bills first before saying which way I’m going to go. I mean, one of the things that I’ve — has been very interesting to me as a legislator is folks that say, you know, We expect to you vote one way before you even look at the bill. The answer to that is, I don’t know what the final proposal is going to be. The president just released that today. We obviously were hearing rumors that they’re going to come with the Senate version. If that’s the case, I’m not likely to support that.

Later he adds:

When I got back from that August break, I sent a letter, along with 10 other freshmen Democrats, to the leadership saying, Here are some of the legitimate concerns that have been raised by the people of my district, setting aside some of the more extreme issues that I didn’t think were legitimate, including “death panels.” But there were legitimate concerns that were raised, and I thought that we should try to incorporate some of those into the bill. Now, some of those have, some of those haven’t.

UPDATE: He’s a no.

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