The Campaign Spot

Hillary, On The Ground, Among Some Republicans In Iowa…

A Hillary Spot reader was in attendance of Hillary Clinton’s event in Sioux Center, Iowa this weekend. The reader writes in: 

It is VERY interesting that she even came to Sioux Center–its at the heart of Sioux County, the most Republican county in the United States in 2004 (at least according to many media outlets, including LA Times).  It is a largely Dutch Reformed, strongly Republican. It is so Republican that there are almost no Democratic candidates for local and county offices – usually the real election is the Republican primary—that’s how Republican it is.  We’ve had Tommy Thompson in town a few weeks ago, Newt awhile ago, Mitt on Thursday…. 
Many people showed up—so many, in fact, that they had to switch from the small (very small) coffee shop that they had scheduled it for in town.  Yesterday, they chose to switch to the public library two blocks from my house.  I figured I had to go.  Most people wanted to see her out of curiosity.  Many parents brought kids for historical interest.  People figured anywhere else that you’d see her you’d be waiting forever… 
She was introduced by Tom Vilsack.  Her speech (an hour late) stayed far away from social questions.  It focused on ethanol (in favor), improving US image in the world, improving and changing health care (she advocated a national healthcare database and blamed insurance companies/health care providers), improving education (against No Child left behind–though she didn’t seem to be prepped that this was a largely Christian school area), and environment.  As my largely apolitical and independent wife said–she said nothing to impress me and nothing to make me want to vote for her.  The largely Republican (or, perhaps conservative Democrats – pro-life, in favor of Christian schools, and conservative on most social issues (like homosexuality)–but liberal on fiscal, environment, and foreign policy) crowd was polite.  The questions did not focus on social issues.

Thanks to the reader. I wonder if Hillary is trying an inverse of an element of the Bush campaign’s micro-targeting in 2004. Back then, the GOP put efforts into finding Republican votes in heavily Democratic communities; perhaps Hillary is putting effort into finding Democratic votes in heavily Republican communities.

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