The Campaign Spot

I Doubt McCain Is Leaving the Race Anytime Soon.

So the McCain campaign is having a very bad day. His rivals are eagerly pointing to the reports of 50 staffers being let go. David Freddoso lays out the gloom.

Let me offer a mildly contrarian take to the obituaries being written right now (and between campaign finance reform and the immigration deal, I’ve got more bones to pick with McCain than an overcaffeinated archeologist).
Four years ago at this time, people were writing off John Kerry’s campaign. (Not necessarily the ideal role model to emulate in presidential campaigns, but you catch my drift.) Two of McCain’s biggest remaining rivals have had cancer (as has McCain, obviously) and the third has his own hurdles to overcome (only a one term governor, Mormon thing, flip-flopping charge, etc). As we saw with Howard Dean, a candidate can go from frontrunner to punchline in one speech.
Also note that the Brits seem to be arresting one suspect an hour in this car bombing plot, and this cell sounds like the jihadist equivalent of Grey’s Anatomy. God knows what will happen in the war on terror between now and when the first votes are cast. A crusty war veteran who’s seen hell in a Vietnamese prison may not be selling right now, but if the you-know-what is hitting the fan in January 2008, who knows what the GOP electorate will want?
So why should McCain leave the race now? Cut staff, cut expenses, do as much free media as possible, and hope for some lucky break and good performances in the early primary states. It’s not the best of shots, but it’s not no shot. 

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