The Campaign Spot

If You Can’t Trust the Ads That Fred Thompson Is Paid To Read Aloud, Who Can You Trust?

If the Democrats are willing to go after Fred Thompson because of his voice-over work for radio advertisements, then how long until we see a DNC Fact Sheet on “Arthur Branch: Overrated District Attorney”?

“Informed sources say Assistant District Attorney Jack McCoy does the real work in the office, with Branch just offering advice to be cautious, often punctuated with a folksy anecdote…”
UPDATE: I am told by a Thompson Associate that the radio ads were done at the request of ABC Radio, after the company in question agreed to sponsor a “Heroes” segment Thompson was doing on Iraqi War heroes. Thompson was never paid for the ads.
Well, that information makes this nothingburger of an attack look like even less. Call it a nothingfrankfurter.

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