The Campaign Spot

If You Kick Out Illegal Immigrants, ‘Who in the World Is Going to Do the Work?’

Mark Krikorian spotlights an article on U.S. residents applying for farm work, whacking away further at the “illegal immigrants work in jobs that American citizens won’t do” argument.

He might want to share that article with Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds:

State Senator Creigh Deeds described walking into a hardware store in Manassas filled with new immigrants.
“If you’re going to kick out all the immigrants in Prince William County, who in the world is going to do the work? Pay the sales tax? And just do the jobs necessary?” he asked, rhetorically.

Oh, I don’t know, maybe the 6.6 percent of Virginians currently unemployed?

(Lest there be any doubt, Deeds’s comment came during a primary debate discussion of illegal immigration.)

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