The Campaign Spot

I’ll See Your William Bennett, and Raise You a Steve Forbes

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, the newest entrant into the race for chair of the Republican National Committee, has picked up the endorsement of Steve Forbes. The following message was sent to RNC members today:

From: Steve Forbes
Date: December 9, 2008
Subject: Ken Blackwell for Chairman
Ken Blackwell is a courageous and extraordinary leader and longtime personal friend. I have served with Ken on the boards of a number of conservative political organizations and worked with him for many years. He is a loyal, competent, and sincere individual.
During your discussions about the future of our party and the election of a new RNC chairman, I ask you to please consider supporting Ken Blackwell.
Ken brings a winning political record to the table, having been victorious 13 of the 17 times that his name has been listed on a primary or general election ballot. The significance of his three

successful statewide elections in Ohio as a Republican should not be understated.
Were we to make a list of the qualifications for a new chairman, we might agree on these five:
1) Someone who is a reliable conservative who has a record of standing up for our conservative principles;
2) Someone who can broaden the appeal of the Republican Party;
3) Someone who has a history of winning elections
4) Someone who has clearly established himself/herself as a successful

fundraiser, and;
5) Someone who is an articulate and experienced spokesperson;
All five of these qualities are abundantly present in the life of Ken Blackwell.

Ken will be ready to lead our party on Day 1. He is well acquainted with Washington, but he has never become part of the system. He has ruggedly maintained his anti-establishment views and reform agenda. Simply put, Ken will affect Washington. It will not affect him. It never has.

For all of these reasons and more, I am pleased to inform you that I will serve as Honorary Chairman of the Ken Blackwell for RNC Chairman campaign.
In this capacity, and as a Republican voter from the state of New Jersey, I humbly ask you to vote for Ken Blackwell for Chairman.
Thank you for your service to our party.

Steve Forbes

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