The Campaign Spot

It’s the Year of Some Women, Mostly Republican Ones

Apparently the good folks at National Journal had a recent feature article entitled “Women’s Political Prospects Still Lackluster“; either this piece was premature or they’ve taken up the habit of gargling with Maker’s Mark.

In South Dakota, the GOP challenger to incumbent Democrat Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is likely to be Kristi Noem.

In Iowa, the GOP challenger to incumbent Democrat Dave Loebsack is likely to be Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks.

In New Jersey, the GOP challenger to Frank Pallone is guaranteed to be a woman; at this hour, Anna Little narrowly leads Diane Gooch.

Nikki Haley finished about a percentage point away from winning the GOP gubernatorial primary outright; winning the runoff will be a different challenge. In New Mexico, Susana Martinez won the GOP nomination and is leading Democratic nominee Diane Denish.

In California, unless the polls are wildly off, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina will carry the GOP banner in the gubernatorial and senatorial races. Nevada’s a little tougher to call at the moment, but there’s a pretty good shot the GOP nominee will be either Sharron Angle or Sue Lowden.

Sure, it’s a lousy year if your name is Kay Bailey Hutchison. And it will be lousy for Blanche Lincoln. But at this point, it looks like a typical year with some women winning and some women losing; if anything, it looks like a banner year for Republican women.

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