The Campaign Spot

Jindal: Late-Term Abortion Ban ‘Shouldn’t Take a Lot of Political Courage’

House Republicans’ recent pratfall on a late-term abortion bill offers an easy lay-up for any potential GOP presidential candidate seeking to win over pro-life GOP primary voters.

Here’s Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal on Fox News last night, declaring that passing that bill “shouldn’t take a lot of political courage.”

GOV. JINDAL: . . . It shouldn’t take a lot of political courage to stand up and say we are going to end late term abortions in America. America is one of only a handful of countries in the entire world that allows these late-term abortions without restrictions. We elected a conservative Republican majority to stand up for our values. One of those important values is the dignity, the sacredness of innocent human life.

We signed a similar bill here in Louisiana that would end abortions after 20 weeks. It was a bipartisan bill with great bipartisan support. I wish the leadership had had the courage of their convictions. Yesterday they said they were going to bring this bill up for a vote today. They blinked — they didn’t do it. Now they are saying some time in the future. I think it’s a shame. Here we are looking at the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. One small step we could have taken as a country is to join most of the rest of the civilized world and ban late-term abortions.

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