The Campaign Spot

Looking at Immigration and the GOP Presidential Primary

Over on the homepage, I’ve got an article on how the vote on the immigration deal will affect the GOP presidential primary. The original title was, “John McCain May Die Hard, But Will Immigration Finish Him Off?”
I found this quote from a source intriguing and accurate:

“I don’t know how much shelf-life this issue has for Republicans,” the rival strategist says. “This was Karl Rove’s brilliant idea to permanently cement the Hispanic vote to the Republican base. Well, so far, all we’ve seen it do is aggravate Hispanics and divide our base. The longer we’re talking about this issue, the deeper we’re digging this hole.” 

Despite my string of “advising” McCain, Rudy, and Obama, I’m no Karl Rove… and yet, my gut instinct is, when a particularly controversial issue has conservative bloggers creating their own attack ads against Republican senators, I say make the issue go away.
And, of course, you can find me posting immigration vote updates in the Corner.

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