The Campaign Spot

Maybe the Worst Poll for a Non-Indicted Democratic Incumbent Senator Ever?

I’m guest-hosting Hugh Hewitt’s radio program Friday night, and in the first hour, I’m tentatively scheduled to have as my guest the man who leads Sen. Chris Dodd by 16 percentage points, according to Quinnpiac’s latest poll, former congressman Rob Simmons.

More from Quinnipiac:

 “A 33 percent job approval is unheard of for a 30-year incumbent, especially a Democrat in a blue state.  Sen. Christopher Dodd’s numbers among Democrats are especially devastating.  Since the AIG controversy, his approval rating among Democrats is down to 51 percent, and only 58 percent of Democrats say they will vote for him against Simmons, who at this point is the best known and strongest Republican challenger,” said Quinnipiac University Poll Director Douglas Schwartz, PhD.

“The generic numbers are even worse for Dodd than the specific matchup numbers, with only a third saying they probably or definitely will vote for Dodd compared to 59 percent saying they definitely or probably won’t vote for him,” Dr. Schwartz added.

Connecticut voters say 50 – 43 percent that Dodd has strong leadership qualities, but they say 54 – 32 percent that he is not honest and trustworthy and 52 – 39 percent that he does not care about their needs and problems.

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