The Campaign Spot

McCain’s New Ad, ‘Trust’

John McCain’s campaign unveiled a new ad today, running in New Hampshire:

ANNCR: “One man has a plan to cut taxes for 25 million middle class families.

“Bold solutions to our toughest problems.

“A conservative plan to cut your taxes.

“Fight wasteful government spending.

“The economic conservative endorsed by the Union Leader.

“They said John McCain is quote ‘The man to lead America.’

“A fiscal conservative who will restore your trust.

“The man to keep our taxes low … and our economy moving.”
JOHN MCCAIN: “I’m John McCain and I approve this message.”

Visually, the ad is pretty standard issue, and perhaps doesn’t really need much more: Lots of the candidate, speaking before audiences, shaking hands with the elderly, lots of flags. The Union Leader’s front page and pullquotes are heavily emphasized.

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