The Campaign Spot

Mitt Romney Talks to CNN in a Diner

Romney, appearing in an almost Lamar Alexander-esque plaid shirt, appeared on CNN, moments ago.

“I was 22 points behind just a few weeks ago. I was pleased to see your poll which has me in the lead here. Polls are all over the place, we’ll see what finally happens.”
“There are three tickets out of Iowa, two tickets out of New Hampshire. I’m the only guy playing in both markets, and who has potential to do well in both.”
CNN shows the McCain web ad, charging he said the next president doesn’t need foreign policy experience.
“It’s very helpful for the next president to be like Ronald Reagan. Someone who can provide a fresh start, who isn’t tied to score-settlting in Washington… Somebody who’s spend their whole carer in Washington is not what America needs.”
“John McCain is an honorbale person, but he’s proving you can be an honorable person and still be wrong.”
He’s asked about yesterday’s comment, that “Ann and I will never embarrass you in the White House.”
“I’m not referring to anybody, we’re referring to ourselves… We can’t be perfect, but we’ll try to be an example for the kinds of values Americans expect in their leaders.”
Asked about a poll that indicates voters find Huckabee more likeable: “Mike’s a likeable guy. I like him as well. But I’m glad that poll also shows me leading.”

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