The Campaign Spot

New Rule for California GOP: Three Convention Delegates Per House District

Here’s an interesting change in the GOP primary process in California: It’s gone from winner take all to convention delegates being allocated by congressional district. Thus, if you can do well with the Republicans in, say, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ district in South Central L.A., you could get up to three delegates to the convention:

In the area around Los Angeles International Airport represented by Waters, there are 231,000 registered voters. Of that, 36,000, or 15 percent, are Republicans. A GOP candidate would need no more than 18,000 votes to win the district — and gain the convention delegates.
By contrast, the 48th Congressional District in nearby Orange County has 200,000 registered Republicans.

Lonely Republicans in Nancy Pelosi’s district, rejoice! You might actually get some attention from some GOP presidential candidates this year!
Now, is it just me, or is this the sort of opportunity that somebody like Ron Paul and his followers could really make something out of? Sweep the ten most liberal districts in California by emphasizing his anti-war stand, and suddenly he’s got thirty delegates to the convention.

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