The Campaign Spot

The Obama Campaign’s Curious ‘Stripes’ Image

The latest bit of Obama campaign merchandise is a print with a redesigned American flag image; the stars have been replaced with the Obama logo, and the red stripes look like broad brush strokes.

Some will wonder whether it’s a good idea for a campaign to suggest the flag needs a redesign, and the national symbol to be replaced with one associated with a particular party or figure.

On Twitter, J. G. Petruna wondered whether the “red smeared stripes” design concept was inspired by photographs of our attacked consulate:

(UPDATE: He credits Miss Golightly for the idea. Yes, that is main entrance of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya; another picture from a slightly different view can be found here.)

It reminds me a bit of Virginia’s license plate, which features a pair of crimson red hand prints. With the slogan “KIDS FIRST” and proceeds going to domestic violence and abuse prevention programs, I suppose it’s meant to evoke finger paints, but it looks sort of like bloody handprints to me.

Of course, between bloody handprints and the “KIDS FIRST” slogan, you have a natural formula for mischief . . .

Isn’t there some graphic-design class where they tell people to be careful about red, smeared images?

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