The Campaign Spot

Oh So Close, Yet So Far, in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District

One of the ten remaining undecided House races was settled late Friday: “Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has won a third term in the U.S. House over Republican Jesse Kelly, leaving just eight congressional races still undecided. Kelly, an Iraq war veteran and Tea Party favorite, conceded to Giffords late Friday, saying in a statement, ‘We are blessed by God to live in a nation where we get the government we deserve and the government that we chose. The voters of Southern Arizona have spoken and I respect their decision.’”

According to the Secretary of State, Giffords won 133,046 votes, while Kelly won 129,405 votes. A Libertarian candidate, Steven Stoltz, won 10,642 votes, larger than the margin between Giffords and Kelly.

My original list didn’t include North Carolina Republican Renee Ellmers, who is preparing for a recount with Bob Etheridge. See the link below about helping her with the costs of all of those election monitors.

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