The Campaign Spot

Oregon’s Governor Kitzhaber Resigns

It’s official:

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber resigned effective next Wednesday, Feb. 18, in a letter submitted to Secretary of State Kate Brown.

The date his resignation will take effect is uncertain. Kitzhaber was meeting with his staff late morning to tell them his plans.

Boy, that fourth term moved quickly, huh?

UPDATE: In Kitzhaber’s resignation statement, he declares, “I must also say that it is deeply troubling to me to realize that we have come to a place in the history of this great state of ours where a person can be charged, tried, convicted and sentenced by the media with no due process and no independent verification of the allegations involved.”

It’s pretty rich for a governor who refused to answer questions and who avoided reporters is now complaining that the media isn’t giving him a fair shake.

Relax, sir, the state attorney general is investigating and may bring criminal charges, so then you’ll get your due process!


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