The Campaign Spot

Other Than The Fact That You Can’t Trust Him And That He Ignores Crimes, Holder’s Not Bad

I said earlier today that senators may want to double-check Holder’s confirmation hearing testimony against the facts. From these descriptions of how he handled the Lewinsky scandal, anyone who deals with Holder may want to be wary, as he may give one party one answer and another party another.

First, we shouldn’t expect any investigation of Obama fundraising shenanigans, as Holder made sure there was no serious investigation of the last round of illegal donations to a Democratic presidential campaign.

From Constant Conflict, by Robert Shogan, published by Westview Press in 2004:

It was common gossip in Washington legal circles that Clinton had picked Holder in the hope that he would be more tractable than the standoffish Reno. For his part, Holder, as he neared the age of fifty, always kept his eye on the future and the main chance. He had reason to suppose that if all went smoothly with his service as deputy, he would be the logical person to succeed Reno, plagued not only by criticism but also by Parkinson’s disease, should she decide to resign.
Holder had already borne out th White House’s faith in him by helping to perusade Reno to disregard the demands for an independent counsel to probe the fund-raising charges…

Later, once the Lewinsky scandal broke, Holder was the DOJ point of contact for Starr and his team of investigators. Page 60:

When Clinton’s lawyers publicly accused [Ken] Starr of leaking grand jury information, an indignant Starr vowed to conduct an internal investigation to disprove the charges. But when he went to Holder asking for FBI help to conduct the probe, Holder talked him out of it, giving Starr the impression that he, Holder, did not think much of the accusation. Starr breathed easier, until he learned that Holder had quietly called the presiding judge in the case and offered the Justice Department’s help in looking into the charges against Starr.

But hey, why would anybody need to trust the Attorney General?

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