The Campaign Spot

Perhaps Pelosi’s Wondered About That Hair, Too

In an unpredictable world, you can count on Nancy Pelosi phrasing every thought that pops into her noggin in the least effective manner.

Asked how much longer Democrats should continue to blame Bush, Pelosi replied: “Well, it burns out when the problems go away. And here’s what the president inherited. He inherited a deficit, when this president inherited from the Clinton administration four budgets that were either in surplus or in balance. And he turned it into a massive deficit. He . . . brought us to the brink of a financial crisis. He brought us to the brink of deep recession, ignoring issues that relate to climate change.” (It’s clear that while some Democrats aren’t sure whether “blame Bush” is still a viable campaign tactic, the speaker believes it is. And she was pretty emphatic about this.)

At no point are Obama or the Democrats responsible for the problems of the country, in other words.

And asked about Carly Fiorina’s critical comments about Barbara Boxer’s hair, Pelosi responded: “Well, let me say this: I wasn’t surprised . . . I wasn’t surprised that she would say that.”

I suppose she means she wasn’t surprised that Fiorina would make a critical comment that seems pretty personal, but it certainly sounds like Pelosi is saying she, too, wonders what Boxer is doing with her hair.

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