The Campaign Spot

Pleasantly Surprised By McCain So Far

Twenty-five minutes in, McCain started a little sleepy and now seems to have his Irish up. (And I’m not just saying that because he compared the American corporate tax rate to Ireland’s.) Obama isn’t terrible, but he really is a different guy when he’s debating than when he’s giving a speech – much less polished, almost halting. Also, he seems determined to go after McCain, and I don’t think that is precisely what he needs to do tonight. All he’s got to do is convince people, “I can handle this job.”

Obama’s lines on the chart seem to go high whenever he talks about alternative energy. Again, come across as the idea guy and the problem solver, not the prosecutor who’s going to convince America that John McCain is a rotten guy.
He’s dodging a tough question from Lehrer, what will you give up in terms of spending. Having said that, I’m not expecting McCain to have a great and detailed answer…
McCain says he would eliminate ethanol subsidies. He might as well say “because I know I’m not going to win Iowa anyway.”

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