The Campaign Spot

Politics & Policy

Quinnipiac: ‘It’s Virtually the Entire GOP Field That Is Running Better Against Her’

From the Thursday Morning Jolt:

Oh, Look Who’s Suddenly Tied With Hillary… Just About Everybody!

D.C. Conventional Wisdom: “Hillary’s unstoppable, Republicans begin with giant disadvantages, Rand Paul is this wacko Libertarian fruitcake, and he could never wiiiii-WHA?”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lead is wilting against leading Republican presidential candidates in three critical swing states, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, and she finds herself in a close race with U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in each state, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today. In head-to-head matchups, every Republican candidate effectively ties her in Colorado and almost all Republicans effectively tie her in Iowa. 

Paul Begala and everybody who insisted “voters do not give a [hoot]” about the e-mail story are invited to enjoy a big glass of shut the heck up.

“These numbers are a boost for U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky as he formally launches his campaign,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

“Ominous for Hillary Clinton is the broad scope of the movement today compared to her showing in Quinnipiac University’s mid-February survey. It isn’t just one or two Republicans who are stepping up; it’s virtually the entire GOP field that is running better against her.

“That’s why it is difficult to see Secretary Clinton’s slippage as anything other than a further toll on her image from the furor over her e-mail.”

“In all three of these states, more, and in Colorado many more, registered voters say she is not honest and trustworthy,” Brown added. “Voters do think she is a strong leader – a key metric – but unless she can change the honesty perception, running as a competent but dishonest candidate has serious potential problems.”

Yes, it’s early, other polls may show different results, and all standard caveats.

UPDATE: Wait, there’s more, from Gallup! “Hillary Clinton’s favorable rating from the American public currently stands at 48%, which is similar to her 50% reading last month, but is down from 55% last summer and from 59% a year ago… Not only is this Clinton’s weakest favorable rating of the past year, but it is the lowest since 2008 when she was competing in that year’s Democratic primary elections.”

A Freudian typo, Madam Secretary.

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