The Campaign Spot

The Register Has to Account For Inviting Keyes

I’m watching Ron Paul say, for the millionth time, he’s not going to run as an independent, to Wolf Blitzer. Wolf, Paul got this question in the last debate, on CNN. He gave a straight answer. Why is Ron Paul getting the same question over and over again?

Because I’m watching CNN, and not enjoying it, I’m not watching Fox, and Mary Katherine Ham tells me Fox news is saying Keyes didn’t meet the criteria to be included. Booo, Register.
I was wondering about that, since I thought one of the requirements was paid campaign staff in Iowa. Keyes has paid campaign staff in Iowa? Paid with what, the change behind the couch cushions?
Switching over, Luntz tells us, “The most common response I got on Keyes was, ‘what’s he doing there?’”

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