The Campaign Spot

Rest Assured, Virginians: If Elected, Creigh Deeds Will Not Invade Iraq

A week or two ago, the campaign of Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds was about “This is Deeds Country! (I don’t care where he says he’s from, his passport says he’s an American.) Then a few days ago, it was about abortion.

Now it’s about George W. Bush:

I cannot help but notice that Deeds denounces “tax breaks” for “the super wealthy,” while Deeds promises a “pro-business agenda” with “tax cuts for any business that creates one new job.” (Actually, he’s already conceded he would sign a bill with tax increases if the legislature passed one.) See, the Deeds message is that he isn’t one of those bad tax cutters, he’s one of those good tax cutters.

It’s like watching a campaign with A.D.D.

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