The Campaign Spot

Right Now, Hillary Wishes Spitzer Had Backed Obama

I don’t know how or if this will affect the presidential race, but New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who had endorsed Hillary, will address charges of involvement in a prostitution ring.

I guess in retrospect, she really shouldn’t have even thought about endorsing his plan for driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants. Why stick your neck out for a guy whose name would be mud within a few months?
(You realize what’s missing from the breaking news stories, at least so far? “He’s resigning.”*)
I’m sure we’ll hear Vitter comparisons. But Spitzer was a state attorney general, and it’s pretty bad for the guy whose job includes enforcing the laws on prostitution to be involved with enjoying it… presuming that’s what’s going on here…
UPDATE: Word is he is “expected to resign.”
ANOTHER UPDATE: Hmm. In the short statement released, he said simply, “I failed to live up to standards I set for myself.” I didn’t hear confirmation of his intent to resign.
YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Al D’Amato is on Fox News, and says the lieutenant governor is ready to be sworn in, and is waiting for the signal. Will that sign come?
From a friend: “I can’t wait to see the Law and Order episode that this inspires.”
Rep. Peter King, after praising the state’s lieutenant governor: “I don’t know anybody who’s been more self-righteous than Eliot Spitzer… I don’t know anybody who’s going to come to his defense.”
Shep Smith has GOP consultant Roger Stone on Fox News — Stone has had his run-ins with Spitzer and  — and Stone is saying he had heard rumors along these lines.
Human quote machine and University of Virginia professor Larry Sabato says he doesn’t think this will affect Hillary. 

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