The Campaign Spot

Rudy Touts National Catastrophe Fund in New Ad

Sometimes those of us covering the race can overstate the importance of a particular state to each candidate, but I think each candidate has won their absolutely must-win state, and we’re heading into two more – Fred Thompson in South Carolina and Rudy Giuliani in Florida.

Rudy has a new ad in which he touts a National Catastrophe Fund to reduce insurance rates – with a lot of hurricane images in the background. (It’s running in Florida, obviously.) A bit more detail (and I mean, a bit) can be found here.)
(Is this the Florida equivalent of Romney’s I’ll-get-the-feds-to-spend-$20-billion-to-save-the-auto industry plan?)
Rudy’s also running radio ads in Spanish.
This morning one of my Smart Washington Guys told me, “Know who the most powerful guy at the 2008 GOP convention is going to be? Rudy Guiliani. None of the candidates are going to have a majority, and Rudy is going to have just enough delegates to put one candidate or another over the top.”

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