The Campaign Spot

Rush Limbaugh’s Advice to Team Obama

Moments ago, Rush Limbaugh was addressing the Obama campaign with a “pep talk” of sorts, pointing out that the Clintons have gained ground by pointing out that Obama is associated with crooked, extreme, and unsavory individuals like Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, and William Ayers.

The Clintons.
Rush pointed out the towering mountain of ethical questions, unsavory characters, run-ins with the law, and examples of bad judgment in the Clintons’ past. He recalled the Chinese money ending up in Bill Clinton’s reelection coffers, renting out the Lincoln Bedroom, the millions Bill Clinton has collected since leaving office, sometimes from foreign sources… Marc Rich, Hillary’s brothers…
He referred to this Politico story on “What Obama Wishes He Could Say” and pointed out that this is a presidential campaign; you don’t get elected on what you wish you could say; you get elected on what you say.
It is interesting that Hillary Clinton and her campaign have absolutely no problem echoing lines of criticism of Obama that we’re sure to hear from Republicans this fall, but that so far, Team Obama is much less willing to utilize Republican lines of criticism against Hillary. (I suppose untrustworthiness, exemplified by the tale of the Tuzla Dash, would be the exception.)

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