The Campaign Spot

Sanford: Let’s Do At Least Four Debates This Month

Remember how Elizabeth Sanford Busch, the Democrat running for Congress in South Carolina’s First Congressional District, seemed a little shaky in one of her first national television appearances?

It appears Mark Sanford’s campaign wants to get the two candidates in front of the cameras and microphones as often as possible:

Former Governor Mark Sanford today accepted invitations for the following debates and forums, and encouraged his Democratic opponent to accept these four invitations – and possibly even more – to give the voters of the First District a chance to see both candidates confront issues side by side.

The debates accepted by Governor Sanford are as follows:

·         AARP– April 17th

·         Patch/SC Radio Network – April 29th

·         Rotary Club of Charleston – April 30th

·         CNN – April 30th

“I look forward to meeting with my opponent to discuss issues that matter to folks across the First District, like what we’re going to do to get our fiscal house in order, what is the proper role of government when it comes to jobs and the economy, and how best to address the nation’s healthcare challenges,” Governor Sanford said. “During the last several months traveling the First District, what I’ve heard consistently is that people want to have a real, open, substantive exchange of ideas on these issues and a host of others. I would encourage my opponent to also accept these invitations.”

Four debates… or more!

In other news, Colbert Busch has released her first television ad, declaring, “as a single mom raising three young children, I had to be independent and do what’s right for them. Now, I’m going to take that lesson to Congress.”

By the way, her campaign did issue a statement in response to Sanford’s challenge yesterday, that the Clemson Wind Turbine Research reported to the government that it had created or saved only 134 jobs at about $320,000 per job.

“This is just another perfect example of Mark playing fast and loose with the facts.1 The wind turbine project has, and will, create good-paying jobs right here at home for American workers.2 The project is still under construction3 and studies show the wind power industry in South Carolina is projected to create as many as 20,000 jobs4. When it comes to our energy, we don’t need an ‘either/or’ policy,5 but a business-minded comprehensive approach in order for America to truly become energy independent from foreign oil.6 As a businesswoman, I’m proud of bringing together both the public and private sectors as partners that can invest in South Carolina not only today, but for generations to come.”

1. An accusation.

2. Does not contradict Sanford’s assertion.

3. An excuse; the project began work in spring 2010 and has, according to the federal government’s figures, never “created or saved” more than 35 jobs at any one time.

4. A big promise that blurs the scope of this project and the job creation of the entire wind power industry in the state.

5. A non sequitur.

6. Outdated rhetoric; the United States is currently exporting more gasoline, diesel and other fuels than we import.

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