The Campaign Spot

Team Hillary Still Believes in Disputed State Re-Votes

The Hillary camp, on a conference call, argues that there can still be another primary in Florida. They’re still calling for a vote-by-mail option.

Harold Ickes: “There is still time to do it… It’s not at all clear to me the party could agree to half-votes each.”
Ickes makes the case that it is not clear Obama can win the general election and “withstand the Republican attack machine… They may not be able to run a country, but they can sure run an attack on the opposing party…. The question is, can he win a general election?”
UPDATE: But the outlook for Michigan is looking unlikely as well: “WWJ Lansing Bureau Chief Tim Skubick reports state Senate Democrats came out of a closed door meeting Tuesday morning and said there are not enough votes to approve a re-do.” 

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