The Campaign Spot

Thank Goodness Holder ‘Privately Assured’ Senators He Wouldn’t Prosecute CIA Personnel

Eric Holder, back in January: “Eric H. Holder Jr.’s confirmation as attorney general is speeding toward approval thanks in part to his private assurances to a key Republican senator that he does not intend to prosecute intelligence agency interrogators for their actions during the prior administration. The assurances, reported by Sen. Christopher S. Bond, Missouri Republican, to The Washington Times on Wednesday, went beyond Mr. Holder’s earlier public testimony in which he said he could not prejudge his actions regarding cases he had not seen.”

Eric Holder, today: “Attorney General Eric Holder has asked federal prosecutor John Durham to examine whether CIA interrogations of suspected terrorists were illegal, the Justice Department said Monday.”

Boy, a private assurance from Eric Holder will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks, as long as you have $1.80 or so.

UPDATE: Seventeen GOP Senators, not counting Specter, voted to confirm Holder. I wonder if they still would have if they’d known he would make this decision.

ANOTHER UPDATE: I didn’t realize the initials stood for “Can’t Interrogate Anyone.”

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