The Campaign Spot

Two More Reasons Nevada’s Getting Less Attention

John Hood wonders why Nevada’s caucus isn’t getting more attention. I’d just add two points…

1) There hasn’t been much polling; only two completed in the past month, one putting Romney up, one putting McCain up. Polls add twists, turns, and drama to coverage of a race – this candidate is surging! This candidate is falling behind! Which candidate does this key demographic prefer? – and without it, you can’t answer the two questions everybody wants answered when they ask about a race: Who’s leading? And how is my guy going to do?
2) It’s the first time Nevada has gone this early. The locals on both sides of the aisle are confused on how it will work, where to meet for the caucus, etc. Nobody knows whether turnout will be huge, or (my guess) turnout will be astonishingly light.
Forgive the card game metaphor, but Nevada is this wild card that nobody knows how to account for in this race.

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