The Campaign Spot

Two from Tennessee Liking the South Carolinian; One Likes Ohioan

Two Republican National Committee members from Tennessee endorse South Carolina GOP Chair Katon Dawson in his bid to be the next RNC Chair: State GOP Chair Robin Smith and National Committeeman John Ryder. The bid of Chip Saltsman had been facing an uphill climb in recent weeks, and two endorsements of a rival from his home state suggests one more bump in the road.

By my count, this puts Dawson at 18 endorsements, giving him a bit more of a solid hold on second place, behind Mike Duncan with 25. An endorsement list, not including the Tennessee ones as of this posting, can be found here.

UPDATE: The third RNC member from Tennessee, Peggy Lambert, endorsed Ken Blackwell Sunday.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Duncan’s people say they’re up to 35, 36 if you count Duncan himself. The list after the jump:


Mary Lou Ada

National Committeewoman, Northern Mariana Islands
Evie Axdahl

National Committeewoman, Minnesota
Bob Bennett

National Committeeman, Ohio
Rick Bennett

National Committeeman, Maine
Jim Burnett

National Committeeman, Arkansas
Donna Cain

National Committeewoman, Oregon
Ron Carey

State Chairman, Minnesota
Jo Ann Davidson

National Committeewoman, Ohio
Mark Ellis

State Chairman, Maine
Zori Fonalledas

National Committeewoman, Puerto Rico
Te’o Fuavai

National Committeeman, American Samoa
Gov. Luis Fortuno

National Committeeman, Puerto Rico
Donna Lou Gosney

National Committeeman, West Virginia
Blake Hall

National Committeeman, Idaho
Reta Hamilton

National Committeewoman, Arkansas
Betti Hill

National Committeewoman, Montana
Ron Kaufman

National Committeeman, Massachusetts
Jeff Kent

National Committeeman, Washington
Kris Kobach

State Chairman, Kansas
Willes K. Lee

State Chairman, Hawai’i
Carlos Mendez

State Chairman, Puerto Rico
Cindy Moyle

National Committeewoman, Idaho
Lilly Nunez

National Committeewoman, Colorado
Cindy Phillips

National Committeewoman, Mississippi
Amata Radewagen

National Committeewoman, American Samoa
Priscilla Rakestraw

National Committeewoman, Delaware
Jim Reed

National Committeeman, West Virginia
Steve Robertson

State Chairman, Kentucky
Gail Russell

National Committeewoman, Kentucky
Su’a Schuster

State Chairman, American Samoa
Laird Stabler III

National Committeeman, Delaware
Jan Staples

National Committeewoman, Maine
Ed Tenorio

State Chairman, Northern Mariana Islands
Mary Torres

National Committeewoman, Guam
Solomon Yue

National Committeeman, Oregon

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