The Campaign Spot

The University of Chicago’s Gratitude To Senator Obama

One other note on the $1 million earmark for the University of Chicago Hospital requested by Obama in 2006 — employees of the university were the number one contributor to Obama for the 2006 election cycle. Employees of the university donated $156,054 to him during that time period.
We shouldn’t be entirely shocked by this; obviously, when your co-worker’s husband is running for the U.S. Senate, you’re probably a little more inclined to give him a donation. But as people have noted elsewhere — we’re expected to believe that everyone involved in the decision to increase Michelle Obama’s salary at the hospital by $195,052 between 2004 and 2005 did not take her husband’s recent election to the Senate into account, and that the prospect of a Senator helping secure greater financial aid from the federal government never crossed their mind.
Number ten on that list of largest Obama donors, by the way, is Soros Fund Management… a privately held corporation chaired by George Soros.

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