The Campaign Spot

The Voters Are Speaking to These Eight Pro-Life Democrats

The Susan B. Anthony List has released the results of the polls they conducted in the districts of eight pro-life Democrats. They asked, “Would you be more likely or less likely to vote to re-elect Congressman/Congresswoman [name] this year if (s)he votes for healthcare legislation that includes federal government funding of abortion?”
The percentage who said less likely, in each district:
Steve Driehaus, Ohio’s 1st district: 55 percent.

Charlie Wilson, Ohio’s 6th district: 64 percent.

Marcy Kaptur, Ohio’s 9th district: 47 percent.

John Boccieri, Ohio’s 16th district: 62 percent.

Brad Ellsworth, Indiana’s 8th district: 65 percent.

Baron Hill, Indiana’s 9th district: 61 percent.

Jason Altmire, Pennsylvania’s 4th district: 58 percent.

Paul Kanjorski, Pennsylvania’s 11th district: 53 percent.

“Makes no difference” scored between 10 and 13 percent in every district; “more likely” ranged from 14 percent in Boccieri’s district to 24 percent in Kanjorski’s district.
Last time, Driehaus, Wilson, Kaptur, Ellsworth, and Kanjorski voted yes; Boccieri and Altimire voted no. Of course, last time the bill included the Stupak language, which restricted private insurers participating in the exchange from offering abortion coverage as part of their policies. There is little to no chance the legislation will include these limits this time around.

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