The Campaign Spot

Walker, Walking Tall Today

Highlights from today’s Wisconsin-centric edition of the Morning Jolt:

WI Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald Unleashes the ‘Cee Lo Green’ Option in Standoff

. . . That title courtesy Morning Jolt reader Matt F.

Here’s the dramatic turn of events:

With Democrats still in Illinois, the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions for most public workers that have stood for decades, sending a flood of angry protesters into the Capitol . . .

Some of the Democrats who have been boycotting the Senate for three weeks said they would return to Wisconsin once the bill passes the Assembly. But they had not crafted their exact plans for return, and Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller (D-Monona) issued a statement saying they would not return on Thursday after earlier indicating they might.

And did they ever return? No, they never returned, and their fate is still unlearned . . .

Doug Powers, writing at Michelle Malkin’s site: “Woody Allen once said that 80 percent of success is just showing up. And if you’re in the Wisconsin Senate, the other 20 percent is having a firm grasp on the rules in order to work around those who don’t show up.”

Meanwhile, Scott Walker takes to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to explain why he’s fighting in Wisconsin, in an op-ed entitled . . . “Why I’m Fighting In Wisconsin.” . . . Now all he needs are a series of Frank Capra films.

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