The Campaign Spot

What’s Bigger Than Jim Mills Leaving Team Fred?

We’re hearing Mark Corallo, formerly Fred Thompson’s chief spokesman and his right-hand man when it was just a bunch of folks around a kitchen table – is out. There has not yet been a response to inquiries from Corallo himself — and I’m always hesitant to write about a personnel move without hearing from the figure in question,  I’d hate for somebody to learn about their job status from this blog — but too many reliable sources in the Thompson orbit are saying this for this to be a nonsensical rumor.

Last Friday Corallo told me he was not as involved with the Fred Thompson effort as he used to be; after a long amount of time working as a volunteer for Fred, he was turning more of his attention to his paying clients. Apparently, something changed since then, and the sudden dismissal of Jim Mills might fit the bill.

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