The Campaign Spot

Who Will Be The Next Treasury Secretary?

Tom Brokaw asks McCain a tough question, who each candidate would nominate as his Treasury Secretary.

McCain mentions Warren Buffett, pointing out that he supports Obama, and the motion seems   Meg Whitman, CEO of EBay.

Obama: Warren would be a pretty good choice.

Obama says his choice would have to understand that “it’s not enough to have prosperity just at the top… Trickle-down doesn’t work.”

Obama has come out pugnacious this evening – not too pugnacious yet, but he’s clearly taking his shots at McCain.

In the next question, McCain hits the “greed and excess” on Wall Street. When was Wall Street ever not greedy? When was the profit motive a less driving force on Wall Street?

But McCain finally points out that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were making reckless loans. He mentions that Obama is the second-highest recipient of Fannie and Freddie donations in history.

The sentence structure was a little more meandering than I would have preferred, but he made the points I wanted to hear.

McCain finishes by saying that Fannie and Freddie were “the match that started this forest fire.”

Obama gives a surprisingly solid, easy-to-understand of what happened to trigger the need for the bailout/rescue.

Unfortunately, then he segues to blaming everything on McCain’s support for “deregulation.”

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