The Campaign Spot

Yawn. Another Bold Prediction From Nancy Pelosi.

I understand that when Nancy Pelosi predicts that Democrats will do well in upcoming elections, reporters probably have to mention it in their coverage. But how the prediction justifies headlines, or constitutes anything resembling actual news, escapes me. A quick trip down memory lane:

February 28, 2010: “Pelosi Says Democrats Will Keep Control of the House”

March 1, 2010: “Nancy Pelosi predicts Democrats will hold the House”

May 19, 2010: “Bring it on: Pelosi predicts ‘for sure’ that Dems will win House”

July 15, 2010: “Pelosi guarantees Dems will retain House in November”

September 14, 2010: “Speaker Pelosi ‘Absolutely’ Confident Dems Will Retain House Majority”

September 28, 2010: “’I fully expect to be speaker of the House five weeks from now,’ Pelosi replied.”

October 9, 2010: “Vilified or Not, Pelosi Insists She’s Winning”

Midday of Election Day, November 2, 2010: “’With the early returns and the overwhelming number of democrats who are coming out, we’re on pace to maintain the majority in the House of Representatives,’ Pelosi said.”

To refresh your memory, the Democrats lost 63 seats, more than the 39 seats required to shift control of the House.

Today: “Exclusive: Pelosi Says Democrats Have ‘Very Good Chance’ to Win Back the House in 2012.”

But of course she does.

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