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The Dying Art of Making Babies the ‘Old Fashioned’ Way

Thirtysomethings could routinely conceive babies using IVF within a decade because it will have become better than sex as a means of reproduction, scientists have predicted.

According to a new report, advances in IVF technology mean it will be possible to produce embryos with a success rate of virtually 100% and cultivate them in computer-controlled storage facilities.

The advance will ease the pressure on couples who have delayed having children until their late thirties or forties, perhaps to pursue a career.

They may routinely opt for IVF rather than sex to reproduce, giving themselves a greater chance of conceiving through IVF than young adults in peak condition, who have only a one-in-four chance a month of conceiving naturally.

Among over-35s, the chance of natural conception falls to less than one in 10. Modern fertility techniques have meant the healthiest couples already have a 50:50 chance of success using IVF, but the authors of the report, just published in the journal Reproductive BioMedicine Online, say this is just the beginning.

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