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The Motion Picture Association of America has DHS on Speed-Dial?

[. . .] Ryan Noonan, an AMC spokesman, said the Motion Picture Association of America was at the Easton theater last weekend when the Glass wearer was spotted. The association representative asked Homeland Security to investigate whether the man was illegally recording the film, Noonan said.

“While we’re huge fans of technology and innovation, wearing a device that has the capability to record video is not appropriate at the movie theater,” Noonan said.

The Hilliard man said he has had Glass since November as part of Google’s Explorer program. About 30,000 people have been testing the technology before it becomes widely available this year.

He said he paid $1,500 for the device and $600 more for prescription lenses.

It’s not the first time a Glass wearer has been in trouble with authorities. A California woman was ticketed for wearing Glass while driving in October. A traffic court threw out the citation last week, saying there was no way to prove that the device was in operation as she drove.

The MPAA representative told the Hilliard man that the Easton theater has had problems with movie piracy, and the association expected that Shadow Recruit might be a likely target. [. . .]

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