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Penn. Senate: Toomey 42%, Sestak 40%; Toomey 50%, Specter 38%

Likely Republican nominee Pat Toomey still runs strongly against incumbent Senator Arlen Specter, but Pennsylvana’s U.S. Senate contest is a dead heat if his Democratic opponent is Congressman Joe Sestak.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely Pennsylvania voters finds Toomey earning 50% support for the second month in a row against Specter, who picks up 38% of the vote.

For the incumbent, that’s down slightly from the 40% level he’s been at since the first of the year in match-ups with Toomey. Seven percent (7%) now opt for another candidate, while six percent (6%) are undecided.

Against Sestak, however, Toomey gets just 42% support, while his Democratic opponent earns 40% of the vote. Ten percent (10%) prefer some other candidate in the race, and nine percent (9%) are undecided. Last month, Toomey posted a 47% to 36% lead over Sestak.

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