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Ricin Letter Summary: We Know Who Did It, But We’re Not Arresting Him Yet

Does this make any sense at all? Via NBC News:

A letter addressed to President Barack Obama tested positive for the poison ricin and was from the same sender who mailed a letter to a senator that also tested positive, officials told NBC News on Wednesday.

The letter to Obama was intercepted at an off-site White House mail facility Tuesday and was being tested further, a Secret Service official told NBC News. A federal law enforcement official said that the letter was “very similar” to one addressed to Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss.

Federal officials told NBC News that they believe they know who sent the letters, but no arrest was made because authorities were waiting for further test results.

And not only do Federal officials know who sent the letter, but so does Sen. Claire “Columbo” McCaskill. Via USA Today:

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said authorities have a suspect who “writes a lot of letters to members,” but she did not say if an arrest had been made. Terrance Gainer, the Senate sergeant-at-arms, said in an e-mailed message to Senate offices that the envelope had no obvious suspicious outside markings, bore a Memphis postmark and had no return address.

I’m no crime fighter, but why wouldn’t they, at the very least, take the guy they think mailed the letters in for questioning? Or do they want to give him a chance to destroy as much evidence as possible. . .


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