The Feed

Satire: Reacting to Weak Polls, Obama Updates his Image

After months of public missteps, embarrassing distractions and declining poll numbers, the White House is rolling out a new-look Obama to recapture the public imagination.

Instead of the staid, stuffy image Obama has been sporting, campaign stylists have chosen a youthful, hip image popular among the tween set.

“Back in 2008, Obama became inexplicably popular and rode it all the way to the White House,” according to administration Coiffure Czar Christophe LeBon. “My 28-member team thought, ‘who is inexplicably popular in 2010 and how can we best capture his essence?’ I think we nailed it.”

This search resulted in a new look that insiders are calling the Barack OBieber. “Pop sensation Justin Bieber exudes freshness and demands affection,” according to LeBon, “even from the President’s daughters. This should help both his political agenda and his home life.”

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