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State Exchanges Not Much Better Than


The Obama administration’s hopes ran high that millions would flock to enroll for health insurance on state and federal exchanges established under the Affordable Care Act.

Those exchanges went online Oct 1. The administration projected that half a million individuals or families would enroll within 30 days, according to the Associated Press.4

But three weeks in, the data suggest the actual number of enrollments is lagging far behind that number.

The promise of signing up for health insurance with point-and-click ease at and state exchange sites has not come to pass — at least not yet.

“This is a fiasco,” says health policy analyst Bob Laszewski. He says the sites are plagued by glitches and problems with data transfer.

“Literally a handful of enrollments [are] coming through to the largest insurance companies every day,” Laszewski says. “Just a handful, like maybe 10 or 20 or 30. So anecdotally, the enrollments are very, very, very low.”

Laszewski says the inability to get through to a website is not the only issue. Insurance companies are getting bad information, too. . .

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