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The Bright Side of Prenatal Screening

Over on the Corner Andrew Johnson posted about Planned Parenthood’s president being pressed on when she personally felt life began. I hope the video goes viral, so that people will begin to see that simply ending your answer with “but that’s my own personal decision” will not wash away the distaste that denying the humanity of the preborn leaves in sensible minds.

Another story from NPR this week was understandably seen as bad news by some. 

By their very nature, technocracies work towards the path of least resistance: towards creating systems with fewer exceptions, aberrations, or deviations. Technocrats think in matrices, and exceptions to the norm are viewed as problems to be solved. If children with disabilities spoil the mathematical predictability of the technocratic utopia, they must be eradicated from the equation. Eugenics make perfect sense when paradise is only a problem of engineering.

But I’m looking at it in a positive light. While NPR trumpeted that the new blood test that can screen a preborn’s DNA for genetic abnormalities will give parents more confidence when they choose to abort, I am thrilled that it will potentially lead to fewer abortions on perfectly healthy children. These developments could also lead to there being fewer amniocentesis procedures done, which is good news since amnio does carry a small risk of premature delivery or infection.

Though such tests give parents the opportunity to choose abortion when the results are not favorable — somewhere between 70-90 percent of preborns diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted — if they save even a few little souls from the scare tactics of doctors who are more concerned about malpractice and “wrongful birth” lawsuits than keeping babies alive, life wins.

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